Monthly Archives: June 2011

3D Pics now in our Beta Stage

We have entered a ‘Beta’ state for our 3D pics.
Here is our general direction.

Whats Changed?
1) There is no background, Means more Picture!
2) The picture doesn’t hurt eyes (No Law suites!)
3) The picture is not too different and strange looking in normal view.
4) It has a new name (which is still subject to change)

What will be in the final version?
1) Classier bar (May even remove bottom bar). This means more picture and a better look
2) Better font
3) Maybe (MAYBE) more elements in each picture. For example, a header image might have a Zelda background from game, then in front Link on a horse then on the top layer with the bar the title of the game.



We have now added Popping Pics! When taped on with your stylis on your 3DS the pictures in our reviews (at the moment 3DS reviews only) they will appear to come out of the screen!

Our first review to utilize this is Rayman 3D

Have fun!

NOTE:We are in alpha. This means that we are still getting it to work properly. We will update this slowly.

DISCLAIMER: Only use the Popping pics in accordance to the health and saftey info provided with your 3DS. We do NOT take any responsabilty for misuse or damages caused by not following the instructions.


Great news 3DS users!

We are proud to announce that, since the 3DS can view images in 3D, any of the pictures (on our future 3DS reviews, we may expand that) can be viewed in 3D. The picture has a background that stays on the screen will the actual picture pops out!


3DS eShop review

Since the eShop is not a game, this will be the review!

The eShop is a great experience (compared to the Wii shop and DSi shop) that rivals Sony’s PlayStation store and, dare i say it, the app store on the iPhone! I find it smooth, stylish and easy to use. The content (as in features) are all there, you no longer have to go to the Nintendo website then to the devs website to get info and trailers, its all there! It, in my opinion, has been a succes; however, i have found a few errors here and there, but that’s probably because of server overload (if it’s not, i’m sure they’ll fix it).

I’m not going to give a score, it’s not a game!

Well done Nintendo, you fulfilled your promises!

UPDATE: Since so many of you seem to be in search of a score i will give it!

8.6/10 Unnamed Units

But how can I rate an app that doesn’t require graphics, sound or gameplay? Well I based it on ease of use, feel, improvements from the previous shops and loosely on content. The shop, I find, is very easy to use and, other than a few bugs that should get fixed (eg, connection errors saying no connection when your in the same room as the router) is a great (incredibley great) improvment on Nintendo’s previous shops. The shop felt welcomeng. The amibiant (not to powerful) music is a great improvment from the catchy (yet repetitve and eventually irritating) wii shop. Finally, the content. I could not really count this overlley in my score as there is very little at the moment, but whats there is great (especially FREE* Excitebike).

So there’s the score and reasoning!

*FREE until the 7th July


UPDATE: Well here I will just say that the content is limited but good. The future content looks promising and all the dsiware you own can be transfered.

As a whole at the moment I would give the content a 7.8/10 Unnamed Units.



3DS Photo

This should be viewable in 3d on a 3DS.

3DS eShop

The eShop is here! we will have a review in a few Hours! We like to experience everything before we rate it!